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Friuli-Venezia Giulia Italy Travel Guide

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A pretty region that includes Adriatic lagoon territory in the south, mountain ranges to the north, and peppered with spiritual retreats in the eastern portion, the Italian region of Friuli-Venezio-Giulia is situated in the northeast section of the country, covering about 3,000 square miles and home to some 1.2 million inhabitants. The fifth-smallest region in the country, it borders not only the Adriatic Sea but also Austria and Slovenia, and because of its varied terrain, the region is very climatically diverse.

Agriculture and farming are an important part of the region’s economy and its products are imported worldwide, including cheese, fruit, vegetables, ham, and quality wines, mostly white varietals. There are also four industrialized sectors that boast a large number of small and mid-sized business enterprises, primarily manufacturing furniture, knives, and other highly specialized products. And because of its strategic location, Friuli-Venezio Giulia has helped connect Italy to Eastern and Central Europe.

The capital of the Friuli-Venezio Giulia region is Trieste, a seaport city that depends largely on its port to keep it vibrant. It’s a major center for shipbuilding, transport, and commerce and visitors have plenty to see here, including the seaside Miramar Castle, the Castle of San Giusto, an ancient Roman theater, several notable places of worship, a botanical garden, and a small but interesting civic museum. If you’re a spelunker or just enjoy exploring underground, you’ll want to visit Trieste’s caves including Grotto Gigante, the largest tourist cave in the world.

For something a bit more quaint, Italy tour participants should check out Aquileia, seated at the head of the Adriatic on the Natisone River. This town was founded in the first century BC and has been home to a variety of cultures. It has a beautiful Romanesque-Gothic cathedral and a slew of ancient ruins to explore. Be sure to make a stop at the city’s National Archaeological Museum for a few hours. It is considered to be one of best museums of Ancient Rome on the planet.

In addition, the community of Cividale del Friuli sits close to the Slovenian border and is a quiet town with an excellent medieval core. Founded by Julius Caesar in 50 BC, it was for many years an important city. Today, visitors can head to the Duomo, several Andrea Palladio-built structures, and a few small museums. It’s worth a visit!

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